Ms HO Suet-mui, Lolitta
Ms. HUI Sim-fung, Kitty
Mr. KWOK Ka-fai, Simon
Mr LEUNG Shek-tai, Dennis
HKFHY Ambassadors:
Ms. TSUI Wing-sze, Winsea
Ms. CHUNG Siu-king, Olivia
Ms. CHENG May-shan
The Chairperson of the Fundraising Sub-committee is elected within the Board of Directors. He will invite people who share the mission and have relevant experience to join in. The main responsibility of the Subcommittee is to plan and organize fundraising events for the purpose of raising funds to meet the operation costs of the Federation’s non-subvented services and through the events, to promote the Federation’s variety of services for people with disabilities.
Aside from the regular subvention of the Social Welfare Department, we rely very much on public donations for maintaining the operations of the Federation’s non-subvented services, such as policy research and advocacy, Employment Service Centre, HKFHY Momentum Academy, Bradbury Bath Shed and our two self-financed social enterprises – First Sense Design and Flower Workshop. In view of the above, we organize different fundraising events each year to ensure the financial needs of the mentioned services are met.
(最後更新 / Last Updated : August 6, 2024)