This year, the Sub-committee to promote the improvement of barrierfree facilities, strive for the rights of people with disabilities and carry out public education programmes. Our works include:
The members of the sub-committee have attended regular meetings organized by the government departments, and relevant agencies during the year of 2019-2020. Examples included the Public Engagement Activity for “Hong Kong Rehablitation Program Plan” (RPP), and meetings convened by Transport Department, Housing Authority, MTRC, Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities and The LINK. The sub-committee has provided opinions from the perspective of disabled users and urged for concrete followup measures. Upon receipt of complaints from members of the Federation, the sub-committee conducted on-site visits and liaised with the site owners for improvement. The sub-committee would continue to strive for the development of barrier-free facilities and promote the concept of accessibility amongst the members of the public.
In the previous year, many social issues regarding the people with disabilities have emerged, including the Talent-wise Employment Charter, Employment Quota System and Accessible Transportation. The sub-committee met government officials, attended Legislative Council meetings and submitted position papers to express the views of the people with disabilities.
As an document covering different aspects of daily lives of people with disabilities in Hong Kong, the formulation and implementation of Hong Kong Rehabilitation Programme Plan (RPP) is important for the rehabilitative policy development of the next decade. In order to exchange information pertinent to the RPP, Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth has organized its brainstorming session at
Jockey Club Activity Center on April 6, 2020. Mr. Joseph KWAN MH, Ms. Anchor HUNG (the Sub-committee members), and Mr. Rex LUK (Director of Accessible Transport and Tourism of Hong Kong Society of Rehabilitation) were invited to the brainstorming session to share information and opinion regarding the key points of the RPP. The brainstorming session has raised members’ awareness and understanding of issues related to their own rights and benefits. The Federation has consolidated the opinion gathered at the brainstorming session and submitted it to the consultancy.
On May 6, 2019, Mr. Allen CHAN, MH (the Sub-committee Chairperson), Ms. Portia TSUI (the Honorary Treasurer of HKFHY), Mr. David LAU (the Executive Director of HKFHY) and staff members of Head Office met with officials from Office of Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO). The representatives from OGCIO has given an introduction on version 2.1 of Web Content Acessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.1 published by World Wide Web Cosortium (W3C) in June 2018. In addition to the accessibility requirements of WCAG 2.0, 17 new web page accessibility requirements are added to the WCAG 2.1. The government has adopted a phased approach in implementing WCAG 2.1 to improve accessibility of all government websites and mobile applications, and actively consulted the opinion of the stakeholders. HKFHY representatives expressed concerns over the experience of navigating websites, using computer and mobile applications from t h e perspectives of people with disabilities.
Mr. Sideny WAN (the Vice-chairperson of HKFHY), Ms. Portia TSUI (the Honorary Treasurer of HKFHY), Mr. David LAU (the Executive Director of HKFHY) and the staff member of Head Office has a meeting over the role of HKFHY and other non-governmental organizations in the Consultancy Study for the Enhancement of the Accessibility of Physical Environment in Hong Kong on June 22, 2019, with Professor Bernard Vincent LIM (the Director of Architecture Design and Research Group Ltd), Mr. NG Hang-sau (the Team Consultant of Architecture Design and Research Group Ltd) and the members of the research team. In order to enhance the research team’s understanding of the needs of people with disabilities, the Federation’s representatives have shared the experience of conducting accessibility studies and the opinion on the accessibility of different types of premises (e.g: beach, shopping centers, shops and government buildings) in Hong Kong.
Funded by the Labour and Welfare Department, the Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities and Hong Kong Council of Social Services jointly organized the 2019 Inclusive Environment Recognition Scheme to show recognition to accessible buildings in the community. With the support from Buildings Department, Architectural Services Department, Housing Department, Hong Kong Institute of Architects, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong, and Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, the scheme aims to raise the awareness of the importance of building a barrier-free environment among developers, architects and property management companies. As a part of technical and inspection team, Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth has organized volunteers to conduct on-site checking of barrier-free facilities (e.g: Ramp, lifts, accessible toilets and parking spaces) of Tseung Kwan O Center, Tseung Kwan O Plaza and Metropole Plaza. The Federation has submitted all data collected and
photographic evidence to the organizer for further assessment.
Funded by Labour and Welfare Bureau, the Federation has launched the “Disability Inclusion in Universities” public education project in year 2019/2020. HKFHY has carried out a series of inclusion workshops and experiential learning sessions to enhance university students’ understanding of core values of Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as well as the needs of the people with disabilities.
A meeting with consultants As a part of the review of the low-floor wheelchair accessible PLB trial scheme during the year 2019/2020, the Transport Department has commissioned MVA Hong Kong Limited to have a meeting with HKFHY representatives on December 30, 2019. Mr. Allen CHAN (Chairperson of Rehabilitative Affairs Sub-committee) and the Mr. William CHU (the sub-committee member) has expressed opinion on the low-floor wheelchair accessible PLB services serving Queen Mary Hospital and Prince Wales Hospital.
Besides the aforementioned works in policy advocacy, the Rehabilitation Affairs Sub-committee has actively established mutually-beneficial and co-operative links with rehabilitation agencies in different parts of the world.